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Ingini Capsules / Clearing Nut

Rs. 2,480.00

or 3 X Rs.826.67 with Koko

According to Indigenous Medical System it is used to cure the people from illness mainly strangury, urinary discharges, head diseases, eye diseases, thirst, poisoning, Kidney clearing weight gaining ,seeds as useful in gonorrhea, and hallucinations.

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Ingini Capsules/Clearing Nut

Ingini Capsules / Clearing Nut in a historical age Sri Lankan were used lot of medicinal drinks with their daily activities. After Europeans are coming here this traditional life patterns, foods and most of our cultural things are changed. Then after they introduced Tea, Coffee and Cocoa as drinks. When the time is passed people were addicted to English people’s drinks But, the traditional medicinal juices and drinks gave the health and strength for the people who work hard. One of these drinks, Ingini Capsules / Clearing Nut is very important.

Ingini Capsules / Clearing Nut is a healthy medicinal drink and it has very good taste. It can change the water density. (application to the clearing of muddy water). the seeds are employed as a remedy in diabetes.

So, it is a good benefit for everyone to prevent from the most of illnesses in our body.

According to Indigenous Medical System it is used to cure the people from illness mainly strangury, urinary discharges, head diseases, eye diseases, thirst, poisoning, Kidney clearing weight gaining ,seeds as useful in gonorrhea, and hallucinations

Ingini has been in use for about 2500 years in Sri Lanka. Consumed for its medicinal and purification properties throughout the ages, the nut was used to purify water back in time with many other important cultural significances. The plant requires tropical climate to grow and is currently found only in 3 Asian countries including Sri Lanka.

BENEFITS of Ingini Capsules / Clearing Nut

  • Controls Diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar
  • Good for people suffering from Gastritis
  • Good for people suffering from Arthritis
  • Recommended for Urinary Problems
  • Anti-inflammatory action
  • Effective in combating Rheumatoid

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